Welcome to Guest Heart Thursday!
Where you can share the hearts you find in YOUR world!Linky Tools is updating their site, and the links aren't showing at the bottom of this post right now. They are doing their best to resume service.
In the meantime, please leave your link in the comments section - I will add the actual links once Linky Tools comes back up!

A year or so ago I was wandering around an abandoned nursery in Tigard, Oregon.
I looked down and found a camera memory card ...
Someone's precious pictures dropped on the ground.
I brought it home, and did my best to find the owners, but no luck.
One of the pictures was this river snag ...
With a heart!
Taken by "Anonymous" ...

I found this beautiful and delicate heart by following a link on Art Creations Friday.
Vintage Wil MADE this awesome heart ... as a challenge!!!
As I looked through some of her older posts, I was caught and held delighted by the detailed mixed media art she does.
She is a truly amazing artist, and you really should check out her work!
Thank you, Wil, for sharing this GORGEOUS heart!

The wonderful Dani found this amazing pair of hearts ... made from tire tracks in the snow.
Dani, who delights me with her blog
"Snow Flowers", also has a blog called
"A Lovely Home for Hearts". Dani, who is from Macedonia ... but is living in China right now ... is one of the increasing number of heart seekers who find that
hearts find
them as well!!!
Thank you, Dani, for sharing your hearts. I can't wait to see what hearts found you this week!

Cheryl sent me this cute splattered heart a long time ago. I was going through my pictures and realized I had forgotten to share it!
Cheryl has two blogs -
"Nostalgia: Today and Yesterday", and
"March to March" - that I cherish.
Thank you, Cheryl, for the inspiration you have been to me.
And thank you for sharing your heart!

My niece Jenna found this heart. Guess where it was?
It was on the dress she was wearing!
Thank you, Jenna, for finding and sharing your heart!
I love you, dear one.
A huge thank you to all who participated in Guest Heart Thursday last week. I loved seeing the amazing hearts you found in your world!If you have found a heart (or drawn a heart, or designed a heart, or ...), please join us for Guest Heart Thursday. Just link the URL of your heart to Linky!
The link will be open from Thursday morning until Sunday night.
Have you found more than one heart?
Put in more than one link!
Is your heart from a long time ago?
It doesn't matter, as long as you put the direct URL link to that post!
I can't wait to see your amazing hearts!