Welcome to Guest Heart Thursday -
A place to share YOUR heart!
Once again, I have to break from tradition ... usually I spotlight YOUR found hearts here ... but it's been quite a week, and I find that between the near heart-attack/Emergency Room stuff, follow-up appointments, and following doctors orders ... I am out of time!
In looking back, I realize just how much my "heart" illness had affected my HEART! I hadn't picked up my camera in nearly a month ... and even though I had been "seeing" hearts everywhere I went, I didn't have the 'heart' to care.
I am feeling more and more like my old self now -- not just physically but emotionally as well - my camera has seen more use in the past 3 days than it has in the past 3 months!!!
So ... it is with renewed excitement, vigor and HEART that I welcome you to a brand new Random Hearts - and Guest Heart Thursday!!!
I thank you ALL - yet again - for your healing thoughts and prayers - this week especially. Your comments and messages are so much appreciated - YOU are a HUGE part of my healing process, and I hope together WE are part of healing the world!!!
One world. One people. One heart.
As always - a huge thank you to all who linked up with Guest Heart Thursday last week. I loved seeing all of the delightful and amazing hearts you found in your world!
Would you like to share your heart on Guest Heart Thursday?
The rules are easy ...
There are none!!!
As long as your post includes a heart!
Thank you everyone for your patience while Linky Tools was down. It is up now, and I will be adding the links for those who left comment links.
A place to share YOUR heart!
Once again, I have to break from tradition ... usually I spotlight YOUR found hearts here ... but it's been quite a week, and I find that between the near heart-attack/Emergency Room stuff, follow-up appointments, and following doctors orders ... I am out of time!
In looking back, I realize just how much my "heart" illness had affected my HEART! I hadn't picked up my camera in nearly a month ... and even though I had been "seeing" hearts everywhere I went, I didn't have the 'heart' to care.
I am feeling more and more like my old self now -- not just physically but emotionally as well - my camera has seen more use in the past 3 days than it has in the past 3 months!!!
So ... it is with renewed excitement, vigor and HEART that I welcome you to a brand new Random Hearts - and Guest Heart Thursday!!!
I thank you ALL - yet again - for your healing thoughts and prayers - this week especially. Your comments and messages are so much appreciated - YOU are a HUGE part of my healing process, and I hope together WE are part of healing the world!!!
One world. One people. One heart.
As always - a huge thank you to all who linked up with Guest Heart Thursday last week. I loved seeing all of the delightful and amazing hearts you found in your world!
Would you like to share your heart on Guest Heart Thursday?
The rules are easy ...
There are none!!!
As long as your post includes a heart!
If you have found a heart (or drawn a heart, or designed a heart, or ...), please join us for Guest Heart Thursday. Just link the URL of your heart post to Linky! It would be nice if you linked back to Random Hearts ... but it's okay not to ... we just want to see your hearts!
The link will be open from Thursday morning until Sunday night.
The link will be open from Thursday morning until Sunday night.
Have you found more than one heart?
Put in more than one link!
Is your heart from a long time ago?
It doesn't matter, as long as you put the direct URL link to that post!Thank you everyone for your patience while Linky Tools was down. It is up now, and I will be adding the links for those who left comment links.