He was on vacation for a month or so, and BOY was he missed!
Before he left, he posted this camelia tree in bloom ...
and shaped like a heart!
Thank you, Costas, for sharing your heart.

Rachel's blog "Art+Food+Friends" is a lot of fun - I really love visiting!
Especially when she posts hearts!
But the most amazing thing about this beautiful and heart-filled cake?
She made it from SCRATCH!!!
(I haven't done that in ... um, I don't think I've EVER done that!)
Thank you, Rachel, for sharing your hearts.
I am in AWE of you!
I love Owen (AKA Mr. Toad) and his blog - "Magic Lantern Show". I truly do!
Owen combines beautiful photography with history, storytelling and humor in a way that truly is magical.
And look ... he posted a heart!!!
Thank you, Owen, for being the wonderful and magical person that you are - and for sharing your heart!

Cheryl is another of my favorite inspirations.
She has two blogs ... "March to March" and "Nostalgia: Today and Yesterday" - and I look forward to every post.
Thank you, Cheryl, for being such a kind, generous and wonderful lady. And thank you for sharing your heart!
P.S. I think you should rename it "March to March to March", and keep going for another year.

Bhavesh Chhatbar is another of my favorite inspirations. His "BLOG" covers his beautiful country - India - wonderfully. He is an excellent photographer and storyteller.
Do you see the hearts in this tree? I see several!
Thank you Bhavesh for sharing your heart!
As always - huge thank you to all who participated in Guest Heart Thursday last week. I loved seeing all of the delightful hearts you found in your world!
Would you like to share your heart on Guest Heart Thursday?
The rules are easy ...
There are none!!!
As long as your post includes a heart!
If you have found a heart (or drawn a heart, or designed a heart, or ...), please join us for Guest Heart Thursday. Just link the URL of your heart to Linky!
The link will be open from Thursday morning until Sunday night.
The link will be open from Thursday morning until Sunday night.
Have you found more than one heart?
Put in more than one link!
Is your heart from a long time ago?
It doesn't matter, as long as you put the direct URL link to that post!