I love the delicate yellow and orange of this beautiful buttercup heart found by Jeannette over at Mysteries.

She also surprised me with the information that hearts are a recurring theme in Delft blue dishes - and warmed my heart with some memories of her childhood spent mostly in Holland.
For those of you who don't know Jeannette, she is a very gifted artist who continually touches my heart - you really need to check out her work!
Thank you for these hearts today, Jeannette!
I will now keep my eyes open for Delft blue heart dishes!

Cheryl over at Nostalgia: Today and Yesterday found this heart-filled sky for her Skywatch Friday post last week. Look closely. How many hearts do YOU see?
I'll give you a hint - there are a BUNCH!

And does everybody know that Cheryl has a second blog?
No? Well the secret is out now - you can find it HERE!
Because she also found this beautiful fluffy moss heart to share with the world!
A personal note for Cheryl - I love the way you see the world - and share your world. You are one of the reasons why Random Hearts was started, and I appreciate your warmth, support and beautiful comments. Thank you!

Beth over at Expect the Unexpected found this beautiful heart in silhouette while she was at the beach. Isn't it amazing?
Beth is a wonderful and gifted artist who continually delights me with her talent and whimsy. You can see her beautiful artwork, including her amazing 'cloud paintings' at Beth's Artworx.
Thank you to all who participated in this week's Guest Heart Thursday!
Have YOU found a heart? If so, I want to hear from you!
You can post your heart, and leave me a comment here, or you can e-mail me and either attach your heart, or a link to where your heart is posted. For e-mail information, please see my sidebar. Please be sure to give me your permission to copy and use your heart on Guest Heart Thursday.
I am so very humbled and honored that so many people have found so many hearts and thought of this blog. It brings tears to my eyes, and joy to my heart.
"Changing the World - One Heart at a Time"
- Deann
Another series of beautiful guest hearts.
I'm also glad I found your blog. It gives me a smile every time I see the hearts you and others have found. :D
I have some new hearts! I will try to post them early next week on my Jackson blog.
Thank you Clytie, for posting my hearts. When I think of you, I think of you spying with your camera, roaming through the woods and neighborhoods to find a heart:)
I absolutely love each and every one of these hearts...and I LOVE guest heart Thursday. What a wonderful idea! I'm feel so honored to be included, Sissy.
You are such an inspiration to me. Thank you for your Friendship. You are better than wonderful.
i'm still looking! at least i know i can always count on you to have some spectacular heart offering for us, clytie, thank you so much!!
What a delightful bonanza...loved all of them!
Another wonderful collection of hearts. My eyes are always open, searching for ♥s.
Wishing you a delightful weekend.
☼ Sunny
I love them all Clytie! By the way, I saw some beautiful bleeding heart flowers today over on Tamera's blog--Colorado Springs Daily Photo.
Oh, Clytie! Thank you for the heartfelt words! I remember our early, early blogging days; we've come a long way, baby! And just how many blogs do you have now? I do believe I just happened upon another one.... :) You are a treasure!
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