Friday, January 28, 2011

Oil Spill Heart - Weekend Reflections

Sometimes it's so beautiful -
The rainbow reflections on a drop of oil -
Dripped into the shape of a heart ...
A single drop of oil
Can contaminate a million drops of water.

That we sometimes don't care -
Is enough to make me cry.

To see reflections from around the world, visit James at Newtown Area Photo - and join us for Weekend Reflections.

To see hearts from around the world, and to share YOUR heart, click HERE for Guest Heart Thursday.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Guest Heart Thursday #42

Welcome to Guest Heart Thursday -
A place to share YOUR hearts!

I couldn't help but fall in love with Izzie (who owns Darlene) - and all of the random hearts I found in her portrait photo!

Darlene is a wonderful lady whose artistic talent leaves me in awe. But that's not all. Darlene's blog "A Dancing Mango" is so much more than an art blog. It is a life journey - with hints of Darlene's beautiful home, her love of her world, the genuineness and gentleness of her heart and soul. She is such an inspiration to me.

Thank you, Darlene, for the beauty you share with the world - and for sharing the hearts that have found their way to you!

Prospero sees his world so differently - and shares this moving and abstract beauty on his blog - "Serendipitous Garden". I know that when Prospero posts something, I will be long contemplating his words ... his photographs ... the full meaning he sometimes hides so well!

Thank you, Prospero, for sharing your soul ... and your heart.

When I found what Dani came across and posted to her blog "A Lovely Home For Hearts", I had to laugh - with absolute joy! Only Dani could have found this one!

Dani has been with Guest Heart Thursday since nearly the beginning. She has another blog "Snow Flowers" that is also a delight to my heart. Dani is in China right now, which fascinates me. Things are so different halfway around the world ... yet so much is the same.

Thank you, Dani, for being such a wonderful friend and Queen of Hearts - and for sharing so many hearts you have found in your world.

P.S. Did I hear you had a birthday recently?

Cheryl is awesome.
She has been such an inspiration to me - in the way she sees her world - her blogs "March to March" and "Nostalgia: Yesterday and Today" are also some of my FAVORITE places to visit!

Especially when Cheryl finds something so wonderful and different as this Santa Beard Heart! Can you believe it???

Thank you, Cheryl, for being such a wonderful friend, and for sharing your heart!

Halcyon of "Halcyon Travels" has traveled all over the world!
She spent much of this winter in Berlin, and took this photo at the Charlottenburg Christmas market in December.

I love the whimsical beauty of these wonderfully abstract bird houses - and I love that little heart as well!

Thank you, Halcyon, for sharing your travels - and your heart.

As always - huge thank you to all who participated in Guest Heart Thursday last week. I loved seeing all of the delightful hearts you found in your world!

If you have found a heart (or drawn a heart, or designed a heart, or ...), please join us for Guest Heart Thursday. Just link the URL of your heart to Linky!
The link will be open from Thursday morning until Sunday night.

Have you found more than one heart?
Put in more than one link!
Is your heart from a long time ago?
It doesn't matter, as long as you put the direct URL link to that post!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Abandoned Raindrops

Clean-up at the no-longer-abandoned mega-church complex continues.
The carpets have been completely removed ... holes in the roof and missing skylights and windows allow the rain to puddle and drip ... right down to the cement floor.

I found reflections everywhere, the dripping water creating wonderful abstract images ... in duplicate!

I even found fireworks!

And if you look carefully at the drop on the left, you will see ... a heart!

To see reflections from around the world, visit James at "Newtown Area Photo" - and join us for Weekend Reflections!

To see hearts found around the world, click HERE, and share YOUR heart on Guest Heart Thursday (through Sunday)!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Salad Dressing Heart

From the Gleaners they appeared,
Tiny little packets of Ceasar and Honey Mustard salad dressings ...

They are kind of fun,
Squeezing individual portions of yumminess onto my salad ...

The overhead lights reflect from the plastic,
Finding a heart in the process!

To see reflections from around the world, visit James at Newtown Area Photo, and join us for Weekend Reflections!

To see hearts from around the world, click here to visit this week's Guest Heart Thursday - join us - and share YOUR heart!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Guest Heart Thursday #40

Welcome to Guest Heart Thursday -
A Place to share YOUR Hearts!

I met Linda just over a month ago - though I feel I've known her a lot longer.
She traveled far from her home to visit her friend - my sister Beth - and we all went for a wonderful walk together.

I loved sharing with Linda, and seeing my world through her eyes.
What a delightful time we had!

So when I received an e-mail attachment that included this simple yet stunning paintbrush heart, I knew it HAD to be shared.

Linda's blog, "Linda Stringbean", has only one post ... and I can't wait to see more!

Thank you Linda, for sharing your heart - and your friendship. You're part of the family now, you know!

Lani has two blogs - "Taipei Daily Photo" and "Hong Kong Frequently Visited".
If you haven't been visiting Lani at either one of these blogs (better yet - both!), you're missing out!

Lani has been part of Guest Heart Thursday for a long time, and sometimes I fail to say how much I appreciate her. I look forward to each GHT knowing that Lani will be there with gorgeous hearts from halfway around the world!

Thank you, Lani, for sharing your world - and your heart!

Rick's blog, "Found Hearts by Rick Ruggles" is very dear to my heart - Rick is a fellow heart seeker! - And guess what???

Rick's book, "Finding Heart" will be coming out this month! Last week Rick gave us a sneak peek, and I think every seeker of hearts should check it out!

Thank you, Rick, for sharing your hearts - with us, and with the world!

Another heart seeker near and dear to my heart is Beth (AKA Sissie).
Beth is an amazing artist - and has been with GHT from the beginning. Beth's blog, "Expect the Unexpected", features her amazing photography - and uniquely wonderful imagination.

Beth is an inspiration to me, and I am so proud to say she is not only my sister (for real), but my best friend also.

Thank you, sissie, for sharing your heart!

I met Angelique, "Circling My Head", through my dear friend Laura over at "Shine the Divine". Angelique posted this poignant heart a short time after a season of huge loss in her life.

Angelique hasn't posted since Christmas, but has remained in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and Peace to you and your family, Angelique.

Thank you for sharing your heart.

As always - huge thank you to all who participated in Guest Heart Thursday last week. I loved seeing all of the delightful hearts you found in your world!

If you have found a heart (or drawn a heart, or designed a heart, or ...), please join us for Guest Heart Thursday. Just link the URL of your heart to Linky!
The link will be open from Thursday morning until Sunday night.

Have you found more than one heart?
Put in more than one link!
Is your heart from a long time ago?
It doesn't matter, as long as you put the direct URL link to that post!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mushroom Heart

I was walking down the road, checking out what appeared to be a car crashed (click here to see what I found) over the lip of the canyon ... when I found this mushroom heart.

It was nestled between tire tracks and muddy footprints ... but it survived!

Another life lesson?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Guest Heart Thursday #39

Welcome to Guest Heart Thursday -
A place to share YOUR hearts!

Darlene is a wonderfully talented artist, whose blog "A Dancing Mango" delights my soul. Darlene has been an inspiration and encouragement to me, and I appreciate her so much.

Is it any wonder that her beautiful home is graced by this stained glass heart?
I'M not surprised!

Thank you, Darlene, for sharing your heart!

Tammie Lee's blog "Spirithelpers" is more than just pictures and words.
Her photographs are pure magic, her words strike home to my soul.

This delicate yellow flower heart sighs of spring and warms my heart.

Thank you, Tammie Lee, for sharing your heart!

Bhavesh has done it again - he's gone and found a heart without realizing it!
Please check out his wonderful "BLOG"! His photography is excellent; his sense of humor is wonderful, and his love of India is apparent.

Thank you, Bhavesh, for yet again sharing your heart!

This ATC (Artist Trading Card) is tiny - just 2-1/2" x 3-1/2".
Yet it packs a giant artistic punch!
It is made by my nephew, Jon (he's just 14!), and posted on his blog "Nyuura's Random Art"

I am so proud of you, Jon!
Please believe in the artist you have in your heart.

And thank you for sharing your art - and your heart!

Cheryl has the eye. I really mean it! You just have to visit her blogs "March to March" and "Nostalgia: Yesterday and Today" to know what I mean.

Cheryl was doing some internet surfing when she came across this photo of two Coast Guard boats doing high speed maneuvers at sea. Right away she saw the heart!

Thank you, Cheryl, for the inspiration you are to me!
And thank you for sharing your heart!

As always - huge thank you to all who participated in Guest Heart Thursday last week. I loved seeing all of the delightful hearts you found in your world!

If you have found a heart (or drawn a heart, or designed a heart, or ...), please join us for Guest Heart Thursday. Just link the URL of your heart to Linky!
The link will be open from Thursday morning until Sunday night.

Have you found more than one heart?
Put in more than one link!
Is your heart from a long time ago?
It doesn't matter, as long as you put the direct URL link to that post!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

First Heart ...

I set out to find the first heart of 2011 - and I didn't have far to go.
The overnight freezing temperatures created spears of frost under the leaves and I crunch, crunch, crunched along the driveway.

Then I noticed how the ice had heaved up the fallen oak leaves - and left this heart.

Happy New Year!