Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Fern Heart for Beth

I went for a long walk in the late afternoon sunshine yesterday ... this time I tramped through the woods. The beauty of the day delighted my soul, and hearts were everywhere!

But something was missing.
What could it be?
Then I knew - I was missing my sissie. The last time I went off into the woods was with Beth - we had so much fun! I love seeing the forest through her eyes!

So I dedicate this fern heart to you, sissie!

For those of you who don't know, Beth is a wonderful artist, and you can see her work over at "Beth's Artworx". When you go visit her, be sure to say congratulations - her meme "FATuesday Artist Spotlight" has hit 52 weeks - ONE YEAR!!!

Beth started FATuesday to encourage and inspire the artists she finds and features each week. In her own words - "Each one of us is creative in one way, or another -- FATuesday Artist Spotlight celebrates the creativity found in every person."

So hop on over and tell her happy memoversary - and be sure to link up YOUR art - you'll be encouraged and inspired as well!!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i can't believe you found that heart and it does look like one. great find, on my way to sissies blog

Debbie said...

i heart that you call her "sissie".

Anonymous said...

Hi Clytie!
I pray you are doing well. It certainly sounds as if you are!♥
Sissie tells me that you and are are very much alike!
I think she is right.. YOU can get the Miss Potter movie at Amazon for 7.00 new.. or used for less.
I also love the story and the photo you have taken.. YOu certainly are lucky to have such a wonderful sister and I am sure she is luck to have YOU!
Hugs.. ♥Darlene

Beth Niquette said...

I adore this heart--and your words are so precious. I MISS YOU TOO. are just the best Sissy in the world. ((hugs))

I love seeing the forest through your eyes, too Honey. You have such a unique gift.

I miss our walks in the woods--I can hardly wait until next week, my darling Sissyboo.