Thursday, December 29, 2011

Guest Heart Thursday #90

Welcome to a Special Creepy Crawly Edition ...
of Guest Heart Thursday!
A place to share YOUR heart!

I couldn't believe it when Susannah posted this heart shaped spider shield on her blog "Wanderin' Weeta (With Waterfowl and Weeds)"! Susannah finds the most amazing critters that most of us walk by/step over/step on!!! Susannah has taught me to look DOWN - and pay attention to the tiny beauty that surrounds me.

Thank you, Susannah, for sharing your creepy crawly heart!

Beth, whose artwork over at "Beth's Artworx" will warm your heart, found this amazing spider ... whose legs had become a heart! Beth has taught me many things ... most importantly she reminded me to look UP ... there's a lot of beauty going on over our heads that we simply don't see!

Thank you, sissie, for sharing your creepy crawly heart!

Inger is from Norway, and shares the beauty of her amazing country on her blog "A Picture in Time".
Inger also delights my heart - by finding hearts!

Even in pony poop! (I LOVE it!)

Thank you, Inger, for sharing your creepy crawly heart!

Rick shared this "bird business" heart on his blog "Found Hearts by Rick Ruggles".
How could I not smile?

And say thank you, Rick, for sharing your creepy crawly heart!

Not to be outdone, Beth, who delights me with her blog "Expect the Unexpected" shared this elk dung heart she found on a trip to the Oregon coast several years ago.

Thank you, sissie, AGAIN, for sharing your creepy crawly heart!

One world. One people. One heart.

A special thank you to all who sent healing thoughts and prayers in my direction - I am feeling MUCH better - and looking forward to a new year filled with YOUR HEARTS and mine!!!

As always - a huge thank you to all who linked up with Guest Heart Thursday last week. I loved seeing all of the delightful and amazing hearts you found in your world!

Would you like to share your heart on Guest Heart Thursday?
The rules are easy ...

There are none!!!
As long as your post includes a heart!

If you have found a heart (or drawn a heart, or designed a heart, or written a heart-felt poem, or ...), please join us for Guest Heart Thursday. Just link the URL of your heart post to Linky! It would be nice if you linked back to Random Hearts ... but it's okay not to ... we just want to see your hearts!
The link will be open from Thursday morning until Sunday night.

Have you found more than one heart?
Put in more than one link!,
Is your heart from a long time ago?
It doesn't matter, as long as you put the direct URL link to that post!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

yikesola on the first photo, i hope never to see one of those in real life. who knew they had hearts.

Tina´s PicStory said...

sorry the first link is wrong. you can delete it if you like.
have a wonderful peaceful time dear clytie ♥

Beth Niquette said...

Wow! Two of my, er, oddly natural found hearts featured! I'm So happy! LOL You are such a funny sissy. ((hugs))

Dorincard said...

Along came a spider will be the kiss of the Spider Woman?
Anyway, that elk thing is a classic, at the coprologic end of the spectrum of all things heartlike.
Happy New Year, Clytie! :)

Laura said...

Well it seems poop is the place to search for hearts this week! Happy New Year Everyone! The gratitude quilt will be posted on Saturday:-)

Leovi said...

Beautiful pictures, very funny and nice. This week's hearts are really curious. I wish you a happy 2012.

Tammie Lee said...

this is an interesting series of hearts. i love the spiders heart.

lovely New Year and beyond to you, may you continue to find heart in life every day~

Inger-M said...

I'm just getting back to blogging after a Christmas break. As I updated myself, I suddenly find my pony poop heart featured, wow, thank you so much, I am honored! What a fun collection you put together here! :-)