Monday, July 26, 2010

Chewed Leaf Heart

It was a perfect day for a walk ... not too hot, the sky a deep blue.
The insects were busy this beautiful day ...
But not too busy to make a heart!!!


SquirrelQueen said...

That is a really cool little heart. I have a new one for you this week that might be surprising, I will post if for Thursday.
Happy Heart Searching!

Sunny said...

That is so cute!
I keep looking for hearts but they seem to be far and few between. I haven't given up though!
☼ Sunny

Lois said...

The green and blue look great together!

Beth Niquette said...

Hahaaa...I think they knew you were coming and decided to make you a heart! Ah, Sissy--this one fills my eyes.

Deann said...

Now there is a bug with taste. That is a really cool picture...the heart makes it a Clytie Classic.

Halcyon said...

The bugs have to eat too! Nice that they made a heart for you. :)

JANN said...

I've never met anyone as special as CLYTIE and I'm positive I'll never meet another person who can even come close to matching her love for life or her love for people. Even though I HAVE NEVER MET HER IN REAL LIFE I KNOW SHE IS ONE VERY WONDERFUL LADY AND I'll always carry her in MY heart........

A hundred hearts would be too few
To carry all my love for you.
~Author Unknown

Patty said...

How nice the insects helped with the photo today. Hope all has been going well for you. Tomorrow I plan on spending the day with my Mom. She's been at my niece's since July 1 and that was a three hour drive, so I never went over while she was there. But she's home again.

Dani said...

Lovely and cool. But it 's your eye that noticed it. Bravo!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am stilll laughing out loud at your comment on Squirrelqueens squrrel heart find today. I had to come find your blog just because of the comment. my comment to her was ditto what you said. i had no idea there were this many hearts in the world, I chose this post because it is amazing to me. i need to pay more attention